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US-PC60P “The Pricer” Price Computing Scale & Label Printer 60 lb x .02 lb


US-PC60P “The Pricer” Price Computing Scale & Label Printer 60 lb x .02 lb

Original price was: $995.00.Current price is: $749.00.

USA Measurements “The Pricer” food scale and price computing scale. Our US-PC is designed for buying and selling produce, meat, fruit, and other items. This can be used at farmers market, grocery stores, produce stands, and many other applications. The scale is NTEP approved – Legal for trade and is Class III with Weights & Measures. The scale has a stainless steel removable pan to clean and  measures 11”x8”. Includes the OS-2130D label printer and optional labels to choose from.


US-PCP “The Pricer” is a dual capacity range. In the lower range the scale is 30 lb x .01 lb and in the upper range is a 60 lb x .02 lb. The scale has a large LCD backlight. It has a dual display. One for the user and the other for the customer. The built in rechargeable battery allows the user to use this scale in any location. Up to an 8 hour battery life. The US-Pricer offers up to 265 easy-to-read PLUs for quick reference. These are different items that can be programmed into the memory.



Additional PLU Software information:

USA Measurements Software